About Me
I did not start out as a fitness professional. I was a high school English teacher for 19 years. I spent the majority of those 19 years hunched over papers. When I began my fitness journey, I was 50 pounds overweight, borderline diabetic, and incredibly disheartened with how I looked and felt. I’m sure you have heard similar stories. There I was, standing in front of my mirror, hating what I saw. I had finally reached a breaking point. Enough was enough; it was time to stop the negative self-talk and bashing and actually take action.
I never expected to fall in love with fitness, certainly not to the point that I would become a personal trainer. I started out just doing what I needed to do for myself. However, the more I learned about fitness, health, and wellness, the more I wanted to share that knowledge with others. I became passionate about helping people reach their own fitness goals, especially older people who believe that it may be too late to start. I am here to tell you, it is never too late to start. My greatest desire as a personal trainer is to inspire confidence in my client’s physical abilities so they can lead longer, happier, healthier, independent lives.
• National Council on Strength and Fitness Certified Personal Trainer • ISSA Certified Glute Specialist • PNL1 Certified Nutrition Coach • StrongLifting Certified • Barbell Rehab Certified • CPR/AED Certified